This week at Azamra
14 Elul 5784 / 17 September 2024

Torah Calendar

12-25 Elul
September 15-28

For this week's study schedule & classes, CLICK HERE

Attributes of the month of Elul: Ruling permutation of the letters of HAVAYAH: KEH KEH VAV YOD, contained in the final Hebrew letters of the words of the verse ootzedakaH tihyeH lanOO kI "and it shall be righteousness to us when..." (Deut 6:25). The month's corresponding letter is: YOD; Human attribute: ACTION; Body Part: LEFT HAND ; Tribe: GAD; Constellation: BETULAH (Virgo, the Maiden).

Everyone who recites Psalm 27, "HaShem is my light", morning and evening from the beginning of Elul until the end of Succot is assured he will live out his years in goodness and pleasantness, and he removes from himself all the accusing forces and nullifies all harsh and evil decrees, and he will win his case in the Judgment.
-- ARI

Saturday night-Sunday September 14-15 / 12 Elul

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa (1765-1827), teacher of the Kotzker, Gerer and Izhbitzer rebbes.

Sunday night-Monday September 15-16 / 13 Elul

Today is the anniversary of the death of Rabbi Yosef Chayim of Bagdad (1832-1909), outstanding authority on halachah and master kabbalist, known as the Ben Ish Chai after the title of his compendium of halachah.

As the Day of Judgment draws closer, we should rectify whatever we can -- such as searching our shelves and closets for any borrowed items (e.g. books etc.) that we need to return to their owners.

Friday night-Saturday September 20-21 / 18 Elul
Shabbat Parshat KI TAVO

Torah Reading: KI TAVO, Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8.
Haftara: Isaiah 60:1-22.
Today is the anniversary of the birthday of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (1698-1760), founder of Chassidism, and it was also the date on which he first revealed himself. Likewise it is the anniversary of the birthday of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), founder of the Chabad Lubavitch chassidic movement. Many chassidim customarily hold festive communal meals to encourage and strengthen each other in following the chassidic pathway.
Today is also the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yehuda Loewe, the "Maharal" of Prague (1525-1609), outstanding scholar, mystic and philosopher and legendary creator of the Golem.

During the Elul season of repentance, Israel are like the inhabitants of a city who go out to greet the King in the fields prior to His entry into the city (on Rosh Hashanah), and now each individual has the opportunity to approach the King in person in advance of the coming Day of Judgment.

Sunday night-Monday September 22-23 / 20 Elul

Today is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Avraham ben Naftali Hertz Shternhertz "Kochav Lev" (d. 1955), grandson of Rabbi Nosson of Breslov and leading Breslover elder in Uman and Jerusalem, Israel.
Today is also the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Cahanman (1886-1969), the Ponevitcher Rav and founder of the prestigious Ponevitch Yeshiva, Bnay Brak, Israel, and of Rabbi Mosheh Aryeh Freund (d. 1996), Chief Rabbi of the Eda Charedis of Jerusalem. Both were holocaust survivors who were instrumental in rebuilding Torah institutions after the war. Today is also the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler (1872-1970), outstanding Tzaddik, Mussar teacher and author of Michtav MiEliyahu.

Thursday night-Friday September 26-27 / 24 Elul

Today is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen of Radzin (1838-1933), known as the Chafetz Chaim, famed author of works on the prohibition of evil speech and of Mishneh Berurah on the laws of daily prayer and blessings, Shabbat and festivals.

Friday night-Saturday September 27-28 / 25 Elul

Torah Reading: Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20 and 31:1-30. Haftara: Isaiah 61:10-63:9, seventh and last of the Haftarot of Comfort read between the Fast of Tisha B'Av and Rosh HaShanah.
This is the last Shabbat of the year, and we should make every effort to receive this Shabbat with the greatest joy and devotion.
It is customary NOT to bless the coming month in the Synagogue after the Shabbat Torah reading. This is "in order to outwit the satan" (i.e. not to alert his attention to the coming Day of Judgment in order to avoid his accusations), and in any case, the month of Tishri is so holy that it is "blessed in heaven" instead. However those who have the custom of reciting the entire book of Psalms on Shabbat Mevorchin also do so on the Shabbat before Rosh Hashanah. The Molad of Tishri will be on Thursday October 3 at 14:37 (and 12 chalakim) p.m.

According to the opinion of Rabbi Eliezer HaGadol, today is the anniversary of the first of the "Six Days of Creation", which culminate on the first day of Rosh HaShanah, the sixth day of Creation, when Adam was created. On each of these six days the unique light of the associated Sefirah shines in all the worlds.
Today is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Elazar son of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai.
The Holy Zohar states that at the end of days an awesome event will take place on this date (Balak 212b)

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