Torah Calendar
4-17 Shevat, 5785
February 2-15, 2025
For this week's study schedule & classes, CLICK HERE
"Even though Israel has no MAZAL (constellation), D'LI is Israel's Mazal!"
Saturday night-Sunday February 1-2 / 4 Shevat
Today is the Yahrzeit of the outstanding Tzaddik and Mekubal Rabbi Israel Abuhatzeira, the Baba Sali (1890-1984).
Today is also the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Avraham Kalisker (1741-1800), a student of the Gaon of Vilna who joined the Chassidic movement as a follower of Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk and succeeded him as leader of the Chassidic community of Eretz Israel. After meeting R. Avraham Kalisker in Israel, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov declared that he had never seen a more perfect Tzaddik.
Sunday February 2 / 4 Shevat
We now enter the fourth week of the SHOVAVIM period, named after the initial letters of the parshiyot of the Shabbatot of Shemot, Va-eira, Bo, Beshallach, Yitro and Mishpatim. The name also refers to Jeremiah 3:14, "Repent, O backsliding (shovavim) children".
Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, the "ARI", taught that this period (especially each Shabbat) is particularly propitious for rectifying the blemishes of the soul, especially in the realm of Yesod (the "foundation", i.e. moral purity), as well as for prayers to rectify our personality traits, to sanctify our vision and hearing etc. and guard against anger, pride and depression. It is good to add to one's Torah study, "and speak about them" (i.e. about the commandments, Deut. 6:7). During the Shovavim period, some have the custom of abstaining from all animal-derived foods every Thursday (and in some cases, every Monday as well) except at a circumcision or other mitzva feast.
BISHVAT, New Year of the Trees
will be on Wednesday
night-Thursday Febru;ary12-13.
forget to prepare a selection of
with which to celebrate Tu BiShvat
through the recital of many blessings!!!
some communities it is customary
to organize
a collection to provide fruits for Tu Bishvat
for those who cannot afford to buy their own.
Sunday night-Monday February 2-3 / 5 Shevat
Today is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Leib Alter, the "Sfas Emes" (1847-1905), Rebbe of Ger. He said that study of the Torah portions about the Exodus from Egypt saves Israel from the strictures of the final redemption!
Tuesday February 4 / 6 Shevat
On Tuesday of the week of Shabbat Beshallach, it is propitious for one's livelihood to read the Torah portion about the Giving of the Manna in the Wilderness (Exodus 16:4-36) twice in Hebrew and once in the Aramaic Targum (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Riminov d. 1815). Those without knhowledge of Hebrew or access to the Aramaic may read the passage in their own language.
Friday night-Saturday February
7-8 / 10 Shevat
Shabbat Parshat BESHALACH
Torah Reading: BESHALACH (Exodus 13:17-17:16) telling the story of the crossing of the Red Sea, the Song (Shirah) sung by Israel after the miracle, their entry into the Wilderness, receiving the first commandments, the Manna and the war with Amalek. Haftara: Judges 4:4-5:31 Song of Debora.
One should pray with great joy and much singing on this auspicious Shabbat. In the morning service, many communities sing the Song of the Sea together verse by verse. Some have the custom of eating cooked wheat or buckwheat kernels in memory of the Manna. Some have the custom of scattering breadcrumbs for the birds in reward for their singing.
Today is the Yahrzei of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, the "Frierdiker (=previous) Rebbe" of Lubavitch (1880-1950). One year later after his passing, on 10 Shevat 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shneerson of Lubavitch formally became Rebbe in succession to his father-in-law, the Friedriche Rebbe.
Today is also the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Shalom Sharabi, the "RaShaSh" (1720-77), author of Siddur HaKavvanot Kabbalistic prayerbook,
(Mo-ed LeKol Chai)
Wednesday night-Thursday
Febvruary 12-13 / 15 Shevat
TU B'-SHVAT New Year of the Tree
In order to multiply blessings on Tu B'Shvat, it is customary to eat many different kinds of fruits, particularly, where possible, the seven fruits for which the land of Israel is praised in Deut. 8:8: - wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates. Many have the custom of setting a table laden with many varieties of fruits and other good foods, sitting with family and friends to make the appropriate blessings over bread, wine, cakes or crackers and various fruits. Some review and discuss the halachot relating to the different blessings, and some follow a printed "Seder" ("Order") of Tu BiShvat reciting Biblical, Mishnaic and Kabbalistic passages relating to the various fruits.
Please carefully check dried and other fruits to ensure there are no worms or bugs etc. in the food you eat and feed to your family and friends.
It is proper to pray today for a valid and beautiful Etrog (citron) with which to perform the mitzvah of the Four Kinds this coming Succoth. Some eat candied Etrog on Tu BiShvat and recite the prayer then.
Friday night-Saturday
February 14-15 / 24 Shevat
Shabbat Parshat YITRO
Torah reading Parshat YITRO telling how Jethro came to join the Children of Israel in the Wilderness, followed by the account of the Giving of the Torah at Sinai and the Ten Commandments. The Haftara is Isaiah 6:1-7:6 & 9:5-6. Every day, and particularly today, we should feel that we receive the Torah afresh. This Shabbat many sing melodies associated with the festival of Shavuot commemorating the Giving of the Torah, such as Rabbi Nachman's melody for "Atah Nigleisa" ("You were revealed.").