This week at Azamra
23 Shevat 5785 / 21 February 2025

Torah Calendar

18 Shevat-1 Adar, 5785
February 16-March 1, 2025

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Shevat is the eleventh month of Jewish year. Corresponding permutation of the Tetragrammaton: HYVH deriving from the initial Hebrew letters of Leviticus 27:33, Homer Yemirenu Vehayah Hu, "…if he shall surely change it, then it shall be…" Corresponding letter of Aleph-Beis: Tzadi; Constellation: D'li (Aquarius, the Water Carrier); Body part: Korkevan=Stomach (Sefer Yetzirah).

"Even though Israel has no MAZAL (constellation), D'LI is Israel's Mazal!"

Sunday February 16 / 18 Shevat

The Chofetz Chayim advised one who does not have children to establish a free loan fund ("Gemach") and once every three years to hold a gathering of all of the directors of the fund in the week leading up to Parshat Mishpatim (which we read this coming Shabbat), which includes the mitzvah of giving loans (Exodus 22:24)."And in the merit of the kindness he does to others, HaShem will deal with him correspondingly".

Sunday evening-Monday February 16-17 / 19 Shevat

Today is the Yahrzeit of Asher son of Jacob.

Wednesday night-Thursday February 19-20 / 22 Shevat

Today is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Menachem Mendel, the Kotzker Rebbe (1787-1859).

"During the month of Shevat more than all of the rest of the year, one should strive to love peace and pursue peace between each person and his fellow and between each man and his wife"
(Mo-ed LeKol Chai)

Friday night-Saturday February 21-22 / 24 Shevat
Shabbat Parshat MISHPATIM
Shabbat Mevarchim ADAR

Torah reading Mishpatim Exodus 21:1-24:18 containing the detailed laws of the Sinaitic code and further description of the Giving of the Torah.

Shabbat Mevarchin: After the Torah reading, we bless the coming new month of Adar. Rosh Chodesh will be on Thursday night, Friday and Saturday February 27-March 1. The Molad (juncture of moon with the sun) will be on Thursday February 27 at 19:02 and 0 chalakim p.m.

Sunday February 23 / 25 Adar

Today we enter the week leading up to Shabbat TERUMAH, when we begin to learn about Moses' Sanctuary in the Wilderness. It is fitting to devote extra thought to the Holy Temple and to yearn and pray for its rebuilding.

Thursday February 27 / 29 Shevat

Yom Kippur Katan -- a "mini day of Atonement" -- is a day for introspection and repentance in preparation for the coming month of Adar. Some fast from dawn to nightfall and recite a special service.

Thursday night-Friday February 8-9 / 30 Shevat
Rosh Chodesh ADAR First Day

First day of Rosh Chodesh, New Moon of Adar. Ya'aleh VeYavo, "Half" Hallel and the additional Musaf service are recited on both days of Rosh Chodesh and it is customary to mark these days with more festive meals than usual.

Attributes of the month of Adar: Ruling permutation of the letters of HAVAYAH are HEH-HEH-YUD-VAV contained in the final letters of four of the Hebrew words in Genesis 49:11, eeroH velashrekaH bniY athonO, "his foal..., and his ass's colt unto the choice vine". The month's corresponding letter is: KUF; Human attribute: LAUGHTER; Body Part: SPLEEN; Tribe: NAFTALI; Constellation: DAGIM (Pisces).

• When Adar arrives, we maximize SIMCHAH •

Friday night-Saturday February 9-10 / 1 Adar
Shabbat Parshat TERUMAH
Rosh Chodesh ADAR Second Day

Second day of Rosh Chodesh, New Moon of Adar. Ya'aleh VeYavo are recited in the evening, morning and afternoon Amidah prayers and in the Birkhat HaMazon grace after meals. It is customary to prepare additional festive dishes for the Shabbat meals in honor of Rosh Chodesh.

After the Shabbat morning service "Half" Hallel is recited, followed by the Torah reading of Terumah Exodus 25:1-27:19 explaining the design of the Sanctuary that Moses was to build in the Wilderness and its vessels.

Special additional reading for Shabbat SHEKALIM, Exodus 30:11-16 instituting the annual half shekel to be contributed by every Israelite in support of the Temple services. After the Torah reading, the special additional Musaf prayer for Shabbat that occurs on Rosh Chodesh is recited.

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