Kabbalah & Mysticism
Online Resources
The Baal Shem Tov explained: Why is the Kabbalistic wisdom called the Hidden Wisdom? Works on the Kabbalah are readily available! If a person is capable of understanding the Talmud and law codes, he will be able to understand the Kabbalah, while if he can't understand the Talmud and law codes, he won't be able to understand the Kabbalah. Then why is it called the Hidden Wisdom???
The reason is that the entire Kabbalah is built on two foundations, which are both hidden. The two hidden foundations of the Kabbalah are Fear of Heaven, and Love of God. These two are hidden in man's heart - for no-one can tell by looking at a person from the outside if he truly fears and loves God. It is because these two hidden traits of Fear and Love are the foundation of the entire Kabbalah that it is called the Hidden Wisdom.
Keter Shem Tov
25 Questions & Answers about the Kabbalah
Clarifying the truth and dispelling the myths about the most ancient system of wisdom in the world.
Kabbalah Timeline
Graphic spreadsheet explaining world history from the Torah perspective.
"The world will last for six thousand years: two thousand years of desolation, two thousand years of Torah, and two thousand years of the days of Mashiach" (Sanhedrin 97a).
Chart of Ten Sefirot
and associated Divine Names and Attributes
Where to Start: 10 Best Books
Personal recommendations
by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum
The Kabbalah Code of the Torah
48-part audio MP3 series on how the holy names and other biblical terms allude to the Ten Sefirot. Based on Shaarey Orah, "Gates of Light" by Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla"
Secrets of the Future Temple
Read the free unabridged online version of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto's Kabbalistic masterpiece on Ezekiel's vision of the Third Temple.
"The Temple is the center point where all the branches of the Tree of Life connect with their roots, channeling a flow of sustenance and blessing to the entire world."
138 Openings of Wisdom
Comprehensive online course on kabbalah for the serious student providing a clear, deep and profound explanation of the entire kabbalistic system and its terminology.
138 Entradas de la Sabiduría
Curso de Cabalá en Línea para el estudiante serio.Una explicación clara y comprensiva del sistema cabalístico y su terminología.