Here you can listen to Chassidic Meditation Melodies and stories of the Torah sages with music and sound effects, or download audio MP3s of classes on Prophecy & Wisdom (Hebrew Bible), Principles of Torah Law (Mishnah), The Laws of Shabbat and The Kabbalah Code of the Torah.
Chassidic Meditation Melodies
Lecha Dodi
Me-eyn Olam Haba
Binu Bo-arim
Yambah Dance Melody
Rabbi Nacham's Chupah Melody
Ke-ayol Taarog
Adon Olam
Stories of our Sages
Everything is for the best
This too is for good
The boy and the king
Respect for all
The Golden Table
The Shabbat Cow
Uninterrrupted prayer
The Herb of Life
The Fox and the Wolf
David son of Yishai
Prophecy & Wisdom (NaKh)
Archive of MP3 audio classes on the original Hebrew Biblical texts with verse by verse analysis of their meaning and relevance for our times including Daniel's End-Times Visions, key sections of the Book of Proverbs and the entire Book of Job
Principles of Torah Law (Mishnah)
Archive of MP3 audio classes on the Mishnah, tractate by tractate, with clear elucidation of the Hebrew text and the Torah legal concepts it contains
Shabbat Observance
66-part audio course on the Laws of Shabbat based on Kitzur Hilchot Shabbat by Rabbi Jacob Posen, Dayan of Congregation Kehillat Adat Yeshurun NY
The Kabbalah Code of the Torah
48-part audio course on how the holy names and other biblical terms allude to the Ten Sefirot. Based on Shaarey Orah, "Gates of Light" by Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla