Avraham's Tent

Join Live Classes

You can take part in Avraham ben Yaakov's live interactive video classes via Zoom.

Download the Zoom application here.

Sundays at 16:00 Israel time

Informative, inspirational Torah teaching on the weekly portion, coming days of note in the Torah calendar and related developments across the world, with time after the class for questions and discussion with the rabbi via Zoom.
The Zoom meeting room opens at 15:45 Israel time. The class begins at 16:00 Israel time.
To receive the links to join the Zoom classes, please register using the form below.

Videos of the classes are available for viewing afterwards on Avraham's Tent or Azamra's YouTube channel.

Hebrew-English Online Torah Texts: Sefaria Library of Jewish Texts

Register for Azamra live classes

If you would like to participate in Avraham ben Yaakov's free online interactive classes, please fill in and submit this form so we may notify you how to log in.

Marketing by

Prayers on Entering & Leaving the Study Hall

Prayer on entering

May it be your will, O Lord my God and God of my fathers, that no mishap should occur on my account and that I should not stumble in any matter of Halachah, but let my friends rejoice in me! Let me not call that which is impure pure or that which is pure impure; nor that which is permissible forbidden nor that which is forbidden permissible. And let my friends not stumble in any matter of halachah but let me rejoice in them! For "God will give wisdom, from His mouth is knowledge and understanding" (Proverbs 2:6). "Open my eyes that I may see wonders from Your Torah" (Psalms 119:18).

Prayer on leaving

I give thanks before You, O Lord my God and God of my fathers, that You have set my portion with those who sit in the study hall and You have not set my portion with those who sit on street corners. For I rise early and they rise early, I rise early for words of Torah while they rise early for vain matters. I labor and they labor. I labor and receive a reward but they labor and receive no reward. I run and they run. I run to the life of the World to Come while they run to the pit of destruction, as it is written: "And you O God bring them down to the pit of destruction, men of blood and treachery, they shall not live out half their days but I shall trust in You" (Psalms 55:24).