Shabbat Observance
MP3 audio course on the laws of Shabbat based on Kitzur Hilchot Shabbat by Rabbi Jacob Posen, Dayan of Congregation Kehillat Adat Yeshurun NY
Course Segments
1 Shabbat: Sign of Faith and Trust; Honoring Shabbat 22m
2 Kindling the Shabbat lights: Who lights? Where? Oil or wax? 25m
3 The obligation to light. Time of candle-lighting. If one forgot 24m
4 Prayers, Delights and Meals of Shabbat 46m
7 Melachah: The 39 forbidden labors of Shabbat - Introduction Pt I 49m
8 Melachah: The 39 forbidden labors of Shabbat - Introduction Pt II 40m
9 The 39 forbidden labors listed and categorized 26m
13 Me'ameir: Gathering Sheaves 9m
14 Dash: Threshing, Squeezing juices 42m
15 Zoreh: Winnowing; Boreir: Sifting & Selecting Pt 1 55m
16 Boreir: Sifting & Selecting Pt 2 34m
17 Boreir: sifting & selecting Pt 3 28m
18 Tochein: Grinding; Meraked - Sieving 37m
19 Losh: Mixing and kneading dough or batter 45m
20 Opheh: Baking and Cooking Pt I 46m
21 Opheh: Baking and Cooking Pt II, Gradations of heat 1h3m
22 Opheh: Baking and Cooking Pt III, Miscellaneous practical laws 24m
23 Keeping the Shabbat food warm I: Sh'hiya, leaving pots on fire before Shabbat 36m
24 Keeping the Shabbat food warm II: Chazara - returning a pot to the fire 20m
26 Gozeiz: Shearing, cutting hair 16m
27 Melaben: Bleaching, laundering Pt I 27m
28 Melaben: Bleaching, laundering Pt II 27m
29 Separating fibers, dyeing, spinning, preparing the loom, the weaving process 25m
30 Kosheir-tying knots & Matir-untying 25m
33 Tzad: Trapping, hunting 15m
34 Shoheit-Slaughtering, taking life & Mafsheet-Skinning, flaying 17m
35 Me'abeid: Tanning, working leather 19m
36 Memaheik-smoothing, smearing; Mesarteit-scoring, marking; Mehateikh-cutting 24m
39 Boneih-building & Soteir-demolishing Part I 38m
40 Boneih & Soteir Part II: Ohel Ar'ai-temporary roofing 25m
41 Boneih & Soteir Part III: Demolishing, taking apart, opening cans and packaging 22m
42 Makeh b'Patish-striking with a hammer, the last touch; repairs & adjustments 21m
43 Children's toys and games on Shabbat 16m
44 Rabbinic decrees protecting from coming to fix utensils on Shabbat 22m
45 Fire: Mekhabeh-Extinguishing & Mav'eer-Kindling 18m
46 When is it permitted to cause a fire to be indirectly extinguished? 16m
47 When fire endangers life or property 21m
48 Carrying on Shabbat I: The Four Domains 27m
49 Carrying on Shabbat II: The Eiruv 29m
50 Carrying on Shabbat III: Definition of the act of carrying and its components 30m
51 Carrying on Shabbat IV: If one forgot and carried out on Shabbat 25m
52 Carrying on Shabbat V: Carrying a child in the public domain; Garments & ornaments 22m
53 Carrying on Shabbat VI: Medical dressings, handkerchiefs, keys etc. 31m
54 Resting and feeding animals on Shabbat 9m
55 Honouring the Shabbat Part I 27m
56 Honouring the Shabbat Part II: Not speaking as we do on weekdays 46m
57 Giving work to a non-Jew before Shabbat 14m
58 Muktzeh I: Items that may not be handled on Shabbat 39m
59 Muktzeh II: Detailed laws of different kinds of Muktzeh 50m
60 Muktzeh III: Laws of the base on which a muktzeh item is standing 35m
61 Muktzeh IV: Money found in pocket on Shabbat; moving muktzeh indirectly 34m
62 Muktzeh V: Practical applications 34
63 Dealing with life-threatening situations on Shabbat 29m
64 What is permitted in cases of non-life threatening illness on Shabbat? 28m
65 Minor ailments; pain relief; medications for healthy people; needs of small children 25m
66 How far outside the town may one walk on Shabbat? 51m