The Kabbalah Code of the Torah
MP3 audio series on how the holy names and other biblical terms allude to the Ten Sefirot. Based on Shaarey Orah, "Gates of Light" by Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla"
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Course Segments
1 General Introduction to the series 6m
2 Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla's Introduction to Shaarey Orah 45m
3 First Gate 1: Malchut, Kingship; ADNY and Brachah 1h
4 First Gate 2: The Well; B'er Sheva; Sea of Wisdom; Shechina; Temple 1h15m
5 First Gate 3: Shechinah, Israel, Sanctuary, Justice with kindness, David, Eagles 1h18m
6 First Gate 4: Hand Tefilin, Koh ("thus"), Tree of Knowledge, Land of Living, Book of Life 1h18m
8 Second Gate 1: Yesod, Foundation, channels blessing to Malchut 54m
9 Second Gate 2: Good, Peace, Remembrance, Shabbat 54m
10 Second Gate 3: Redemption and prayer; Shabbat and its three meals 38m
11 Second Gate 4: Covenant of the tongue and the flesh; Oaths 1h9m
12 Second Gate 5: Ki tov ("for it is good"); laws and statutes - chok and chukah 55m
13 Second Gate 6: Mt Zion, Mt Moriah, Mt Seir 33m
14 Second Gate 7: Kol - "all"; the Mighty One of Jacob, rejuvenation; the lower kindness 58m
15 Second Gate 8: Prayer rises through Yesod, joining all the levels 42m
16 Third & Fourth Gates 1: Netzach & Hod Introduction; Prophecy; Judgment 1h18m
17 Third & Fourth Gates 2: Yachin & Boaz; Sh'hakim (lower heavens); sources of prophecy 1h11m
18 Third & Fourth Gates 3: Kavanah - Directing one's prayers for health, children and livelihood 45m
19 Third & Fourth Gates 4: Counsel, decrees and their nullification; Holy holy holy 1h10m
20 Fifth Gate 1: Tiferet, Beauty - HaVaYaH (HaShem, The Name, "Tetragrammaton") 44m
21 Fifth Gate 2: HaShem joined with other names; 10 Sefirot unified in HaShem 55m
22 Fifth Gate 3: HaVaYaH contains all the divine names 48m
23 Fifth Gate 4: The other names and titles are garments of HaVaYaH 37m
24 Fifth Gate 5: The 3 columns, 30 Titles, 70 Angels & 70 Nations 55m
25 Fifth Gate 6: The 70 Angels, 70 Nations and the Mystery of Circumcision 43m
26 Fifth Gate 7: HaVaYaH, Israel, the 70 Angels and 30 Titles 57m
27 Fifth Gate 8: Titles (kinuyim) of El and Elohim 1h13m
28 Fifth Gate 9: Titles (kinuyim) of HaVaYaH; Unity of the Merkavah-Chariot 1h3m
29 Fith Gate 10: The 4 elements & the Merkavah; more titles of HaVaYaH 50m
30 Fifth Gate 11: Emet-Truth, Tiferet-Glory, Da'at-Knowledge 57m
31 Fifth Gate 12: Da'at; 12 permutations of HaVaYaH, 12 Tribes & 12 Signs of Zodiac: 1h2m
32 Fifth Gate 13 (conclusion): Ani-I, Atah-You, Hoo-He; 22 Letters of Aleph Beit 55m
34 Sixth Gate 2: Other gods-angels of the nations; the Heavenly Court 54m
35 Sixth Gate 3: Temple Offerings; consuming fire; darkness of hell; fear of Isaac 41m
36 Seventh Gate 1: El; Thirteen Attributes of Mercy 39m
37 Seventh Gate 2: Truth to Jacob, Kindness to Abraham 41m
38 Eighth Gate 1: Binah binds upper three with lower seven sefirot 50 m
39 Eighth Gate 2: Alignment of Binah with Malchut 45 m
40 Eighth Gate 3: Jubilee, Teshuvah, Upper Shechinah, Atonement, World to Come 54 m
41 Eighth Gate 4: The great Shofar; Tehilah, praise 59 m
42 Ninth Gate 1: YaH (Chokhmah-Wisdom) includes the top 3 sefirot and brings salvation 1h6m
43 Ninth Gate 2: Yesh-Substance, Chokhmah-Wisdom, Ratzon-Favor 1h9m
44 Ninth Gate 3: Omek-extreme depth or height; Machshavah-thought; Yir'ah-awe 1h9m
45 Ninth Gate 4: Yir'ah-Fear (exterior) & Reverence (interior); the Garden of Eden 1h7m
46 Tenth Gate 1: Ehyeh, the Crown; 13 Attributes of Mercy; overturning decrees 1h14m
47 Tenth Gate 2: Ani-Atah-Hu, I-Thou-He; Ayin-Nothing; Kedem-Before; Babylon 1h27m
48 Tenth Gate 3: Keter, the Crown; the White Head; Conclusion 49m