Mishley: The Book of Proverbs
MP3 audio classes on the original Hebrew Biblical texts with verse by verse analysis of their meaning and relevance for our lives and times
Introduction to the Book of Proverbs & Opening Discourse: Chapter 1 verses 1-7
Proverbs Chapter 1 verses 8-19
Proverbs Chapter 1 verses 20-33
Proverbs Chapter 2
Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 1-18
Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 19-35
Proverbs Chapter 4 verses 1-19
Proverbs Chapter 4 verse 20-Chapter 5 verse 23
Proverbs Chapter 6 verses 1-19
Proverbs Chapter 6 verses 20-35
Proverbs Chapter 7 verses 1-23: The Strange Woman
Proverbs Chapters 7:24-27 & 8:1-21: Torah saves from the Strange Woman
Proverbs Chapter 8 verses 22-36: Torah is the blueprint of creation
Proverbs Chapter 9: Summation and conclusion of opening discourses
Proverbs Chapter 30 verses 1-6: Introduction and textual analysis
Proverbs Chapter 30 verses 7-17
Proverbs Chapter 30 verses 18-33
Midrashic explanation of Proverbs Chapter 30 verses 18-33
Proverbs Chapter 31 verses 1-9: Solomon's mother's chastizement
Chapter 31 verses 10-31: Eishet Hayil, "The Woman of Valor", the
parable and its meaning Part 1
Eishet Hayil, "The Woman of Valor" Part 2: The Woman of Valor explained by Rashi as an allegory for the Torah
Hayil, "The Woman of Valor" Part 3: Metzudat
David explanation as an allegory for the soul of the wise