Principles of Torah Law:
Mishnah Tractate Hullin
MP3 audio classes on the Mishnah with clear elucidation of Hebrew text and related Torah legal concepts
Mishnah Tractate Hullin
Hullin: Introduction; Chapter 1 Mishnah 1
Hullin: Chapter 1 Mishnahs 1-4
Hullin: Chapter 1 Mishnahs 5-7
Hullin: Chapter 2 Mishnahs 1-4
Hullin: Chapter 2 Mishnahs 5-9
Hullin: Chapter 2 Mishnah10; Chapter 3: Introduction on Treifos
Hullin: Chapter 3 Mishnah 1: Treifos of animals
Hullin: Chapter 3 Mishnahs 2-5: Treifos of animals & birds
Hullin: Chapter 3 Mishnah 6-Chapter 4 Mishnah 1: Signs of kosher species; embryo of a slaughtered animal
Hullin: Chapter 4 Mishnahs 2-4: Ritual status of animal embryos
Hullin: Chapter 4 Mishnahs 5-7: What in the animal does Shechitah permit for consumption
Hullin: Chapter 5 Mishnahs 1-2: Prohibition of slaughter of a mother animal and her young on the same day
Hullin: Chapter 5 Mishnahs 3-5: Prohibition of slaughter of mother animal and her young on the same day
Hullin: Chapter 6 Mishnahs 1-2: Mitzvah to cover blood of slaughtered birds and wild
animals (chayot)
Hullin: Chapter 6 Mishnahs 3-7: Mitzvah to cover blood of slaughtered birds and wild
animals (chayot) cont.
Hullin: Chapter 7 Mishnah 1: Gid HaNasheh: Prohibition of eating animals' sciatic nerve
Hullin: Chapter 7 Mishnahs 2-5 Gid HaNasheh continued: Ta'aruvot, Laws of mixtures of permitted and forbidden foods
Hullin: Chapter 7 Mishnah 6: Gid HaNasheh continued; Chapter 8 Mishnahs 1-2: Laws of Meat and Milk
Hullin: Chapter 8 Mishnah 3: Laws of Meat and Milk continued
Hullin: Chapter 8 Mishnah 4: What comes under the prohibition of meat and milk?
Chapter 8 Mishnah 5: Animal-derived rennet in cheese-making; Mishnah 6: cheilev (forbidden
fat) and blood
Hullin: Chapter 9 Mishnah 1: Ritual impurity of carrion and other foods
Hullin: Chapter 9 Mishnahs 2-3: Skins of animals attached to flesh or flayed
Hullin: Chapter 9 Mishnahs 4-6: Laws of defilement through contact with impure meat
Hullin: Chapter 9 Mishnah 7: Status of meat or limb partially detached from an animal while alive
Hullin: Chapter 9 Mishnah 8 on status of detatched human flesh or limb) & Chapter
10 Mishnah 1 on gifts of meat portions to the Cohen priest
Hullin: Chapter 10 Mishnahs 2-3 on gifts of meat portions to the Cohen priest
Hullin: Chapter 10 Mishnah 4 on priestly gifts of meat portions & Chapter 11 Mishnah 1 on priestly gift of first wool shearings
Chapter 11 Mishnah 2: Reishit HaGez: gift to the priest of the
first wool shearings
Chapter 12: Shilu'ah HaKen: Sending away the mother bird before taking chicks or eggs from the nest