Temple Secrets

SECRETS OF THE FUTURE TEMPLE is the English version of Mishkney Elyon, "Dwellings of the Supreme", by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL", 1707-47), discussing the meaning and purpose of the prophesied Third Temple


"Think good and it will be good!"

The Future Temple

Watch archived videos on Azamra's YouTube channel or download audio MP3s here.


Short video illustrating Hassidic devotional dance reaching out to the Divine and drawing down blessing. Watch


Time for Yourself: Meditation; Hitbodedut; The Power of Words; Talking to Your Self and to G-d; Out Loud; In Practice. Read more

The Captive Child

The Captive Child (video) analyzing the status of the souls of Israel raised in alien surroundings yet craving Torah. Watch

Torah for the Nations

We are commanded to "know" the One G-d, but how can humans to attain apprehension of the Infinite G-d? Read more

Torah Spirituality Resources

Click here for the Seven sections of the Spirituality Resources