Torah for the Nations: Judaism 101
Ongoing course on the basics of Torah faith and practice for the burgeoning numbers across Africa, Asia and many other places throughout the world who seek reliable information about authentic Judaism in order to make informed choices about their pathway as Jews or Noahides in the face of widespread confusion and disinformation.
JUDAISM 101 is not a Jewish conversion course but may serve as a guide for students, teachers, community leaders, prospective converts, returnees to the Torah and people of all faiths and backgrounds who seek true understanding of the mission of the People of Israel.
Elijah the Prophet said: I call heaven and earth to witness for me, whether it is a Jew or a gentile, a man or a woman, a slave or a maid-servant, everything depends on the person's deeds: according to what the person does, so Holy Spirit rests upon them."
d'vei Eliyahu 9:1)
Links to individual segments will become live as soon as they are available.
- Jewish Living: Keeping The Commandments in Everyday Life
- Kosher Diet
- Modesty and Family Purity
- Shabbat, New Moons and Festivals
- Prayer & the Synagogue
- The Torah scroll, Torah study, Tefillin and Mezuzah
- Life-cycle: Birth, Circumcision, Early Education, Bat Mitzva, Bar Mitzvah
- Marriage & Divorce
- Family life
- Respect for elderly
- Suffering
- Illness, death and mourning
- Emergencies, accidents & the supreme value of human life
- Between one person and another
- Charity & Kindness
- Honesty, Truthfulness, Purity of Speech
- Work, business, employers and employees
- The Citizen, Torah Law and the Law of the Land
- Business, commerce
- Employment – duties of employer/employee
- The citizen and the law; Law of the Land and Torah Law
- The Torah Community: Beit Din, Community officers
- Rabbi, Chazzan, Scribe, Mohel, Shochet
- Jewish community needs: Kosher food, Mikveh, Siddur, Torah scroll, Mezuzah, Tallit, Tefillin, Study texts, Matzah, Shofar, Succah, Chanukah Lamp, Scroll of Esther
- The Land of Israel
- The State of Israel and its Government
- Conversion
- Aliyah
- Messiah, Redemption & the Future Temple