Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 96

Atik Yomin is clothed in Arich Anpin; Atzilut is under Adam Kadmon.

Atik Yomin is clothed in Arich Anpin in order to strengthen Arich in all its Sefirot through the Balance that is rooted in the Head that is Unknown. In this respect Arich Anpin stands under the rule of Adam Kadmon through the latter's Yesod and Malchut, for this is the way MaH and BaN were established under them. This is the essential underlying governmental order that progressively brings complete perfection.

Following our discussion of Arich Anpin's modes of government, we will now give a full explanation of the various aspects of Arich Anpin in themselves. First we will discuss how in all aspects Arich Anpin is governed by Atik Yomin.

The proposition consists of two parts. Part 1: Atik Yomin is clothed. This explains the concept of Atik Yomin being clothed in Arich Anpin. Part 2: In this respect. This explains in what respect Atzilut is said to be under Adam Kadmon.

Part 1: Atik Yomin is clothed in Arich Anpin in order to strengthen Arich in all its Sefirot. For obviously one who is clothed in and acts through another directs that other - the "garment" - to some goal suited to a unique capability possessed by the wearer of the garment. Thus Atik Yomin is clothed in all the Sefirot of Arich Anpin, and the purpose is to bind them all under the hidden root that, as we have explained, underlies the governmental order - the Head that is Unknown.

.through the Balance that is rooted in the Head that is Unknown. It is this Head that must rule in order to arrange the repair of all aspects relating to male and female in Atzilut in a way that will eventually bring all damage back to a state of repair.

Part 2: In this respect Arich Anpin stands under the rule of Adam Kadmon. Here we are saying that Adam Kadmon is above, while Atzilut is below the legs of Adam Kadmon (see Etz Chayim, Shaar 3, Seder Atzilut). However, we said earlier that Atzilut is the radiance of Adam Kadmon (Opening 32). If that is the case, what is the reason for saying that Atzilut is under Adam Kadmon? (Why is Atzilut not said to be in front of Adam Kadmon, since it emerges from the radiance emitting from the face of Adam Kadmon through the Ears, Nose, Mouth and Eyes?)

The answer is that although in terms of its emergence in the developmental chain Atzilut is not under Adam Kadmon, in terms of governmental control Atzilut is indeed under Adam Kadmon. A major principle on all the different levels is that the order of the developmental chain is one thing whereas the actual order of government follows a different arrangement. Thus we find that the Sefirot as manifested in the form of circles (עיגולים, igulim) emerge from and stand under one another. (For example, the circle of Gevurah emerges from and stands "under" - within - the circle of Chessed). Yet in the governmental order, Chessed, Gevurah and Tiferet stand in a row in spite of the fact that in the chain of development they stand one under the other. The same principle applies throughout the Kabbalistic teachings.

In the case under discussion, Atzilut is said to stand under Adam Kadmon because it stands under and is subject to the governmental rule of Adam Kadmon through the latter's Yesod and Malchut. (In terms of the chain of development Atzilut emerges from the branches of Adam Kadmon - i.e. from the radiance of Adam Kadmon's face - but in terms of the governmental order, Atzilut stands under Yesod and Malchut of Adam Kadmon and is governed by them.)

.through the latter's Yesod and Malchut. This means that it is the influence that Yesod of Adam Kadmon sends to its Malchut that afterwards passes down through the chain of development to Atzilut. Likewise the interaction between this Yesod and Malchut causes movement - i.e. governmental action - in Atzilut.

.for this is the way MaH and BaN were established under them. The way Atzilut is ruled derives from the mystery of the Balance that I have discussed - the interconnection of MaH and BaN, which is the foundation of the repair of the Partzufim. In other words, the interconnection of MaH and BaN rules over all of Atzilut, and in this respect Atzilut is under Yesod and Malchut of Adam Kadmon, for it is here that the repair of this aspect is rooted.

Thus we are saying that by clothing itself in Arich Anpin, Atik Yomin strengthens Arich in the aspect of Balance. This would not have come about through the chain of development (because in terms of where it emerges, Atzilut is the radiance of the face of Adam Kadmon). One unique power is needed to bring the various aspects of Arich Anpin under the repair effected through the Balance. (The function of Atik Yomin is to bind the government of Arich Anpin, which is conducted through the Partzufim of Atzilut, under the rule of Adam Kadmon. Atik Yomin thus serves as the link between the World of Work - Atzilut - and the World of Reward - Adam Kadmon.)

This is the essential underlying governmental order that progressively brings complete perfection. As you have already heard, it is the different interconnections between MaH and BaN that repair all damage and deficiency. Accordingly this is the essential underlying governmental order, and it is therefore necessary for Arich Anpin to stand under and be subject to it in all aspects. (Through the rule of Mazal - the Head that is Unknown - the overall service required of man is divided and allocated among the different souls according to what is needed to repair the damage, and the reward is measured accordingly.)

(Summary: All the Partzufim of Atzilut stand under the rule of Yesod and Malchut of Adam Kadmon in order that they should be governed in accordance with the repair instituted through the Balance, i.e. the repair of male and female through the interconnections of MaH and BaN. Therefore Arich Anpin, the root Partzuf of Atzilut, clothes the seven lower Sefirot of Atik, which are governed through the Balance rooted in the Head that is Unknown - the first three Sefirot of Atik. The seven lower Sefirot of Atik are thus governed according to the principle of right and left, which are rooted respectively in Yesod and Malchut of Adam Kadmon. However, in terms of the developmental chain, Atzilut emerges from the branches of Adam Kadmon, i.e. from the radiance of the face of Adam Kadmon.)





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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