Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 71

Complete correspondence between the arrangement of the Partzuf and the human form.

The arrangement of the lights of the Partzuf, their interconnections and all their different aspects are exactly like the arrangement of the limbs and organs of man's body. Everything that exists in man has some corresponding aspect in the lights in the Partzufim above.

Having explained that the Partzufim are rooted in the mystery of the Likeness of Man, we will now elaborate further on the correspondence between the Partzufim and the human form.

"And in truth, the physical human form is the offspring of all the Sefirot together... and shows everything that can be understood about Godliness" - Daat Tevunot p. 329.

This proposition consists of two parts: Part 1: The arrangement of the lights of the Partzuf... This expresses the complete correspondence between the Partzufim and the human form. Part 2: Everything that exists in man... This is the mystery of "And from my flesh I perceive God" (Job 19:26).

Part 1: The arrangement of the lights of the Partzuf... This arrangement consists of everything discussed in the previous Opening in connection with the measures of "thickness" or "breadth" and "height" - ...and their interconnections... This includes everything discussed there about how they are bound and joined together. ...and all their different aspects are exactly like the order of the limbs and organs of man's body.

In other words, anything that can be said about the nature of man, such as all the different aspects of constitution and character (מזגים, mezagim, "mixes" of elements") - in short, everything discernible in the human form in all the affairs of this world - is all rooted above. The underlying foundation of what we see in the world lies in all the different aspects of the flow (שפע, shefa) emanating from the lights, which sustains all the different aspects of human service in this world, governing the indwelling of higher levels within lower levels and all the other characteristics of the lights. All that can be said about the supreme Partzufim follows the corresponding aspects in the human form.

Part 2: Everything that exists in man has some corresponding aspect in the lights... This is the mystery of "And from my flesh I perceive God" (Job 19:26). For this is the way to investigate and discover what exists in the Sefirot - through the creations in the lower world, just as what exists in the lower creations can be known through the Sefirot. Indeed, what falls under our scrutiny initially is that which exists in the lower creations. It is necessary to rise up to the source, to understand things properly in the light of the link that joins the lower world with the upper world, namely the link between the resultant effect and its cause. ...that make up the Partzufim above. I.e. it is in the Partzufim that we find this differentiation into particulars and not in the Sefirot.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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