Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 45

Evil was rooted at the end of the vessel, so that when the light reached there, the vessel broke.

Only in the lowest parts of the vessels was this faint trace of the root of the Other Side evident. Thus initially the overall light entered and continued spreading in accordance with the mystery of the general foundation until it reached these lowly parts. These are none other than the garments, which are considered as the feet of Atzilut. Accordingly, as long as the lights did not reach them, there was no breakage. It was when they reached there that it took place. They then turned around and departed from even the highest parts.

Having stated that there was a revelation of the Other Side in these Nekudim, we will now indicate the particular place where this occurred.

The proposition consists of two parts: Part 1: Only in the lowest parts... This is the place designated for this root. Part 2: Thus initially the overall light entered... This explains what happened as a result.

Part 1: Only in the lowest parts of the vessels... There is no place for a root for evil except in the last parts of any given level. This is because the various parts of a given level are also arranged on a scale, one under the other, like subspecies of an overall category. The last function of all of them is the production of evil, which is the lowest of all in status and whose function is less than that of the others in terms of control and government.

...was this faint trace of the root of the Other Side evident. This is the trace we mentioned above, that is evident in the Nekudim, and it will be explained below.

Part 2: Thus initially the overall light entered... This is the light suitable for the General Foundation, which consists of all that is contained in Nekudim -- Atzilut with its three garments. Just as this foundation is general, so is the light.

...and continued spreading in accordance with the mystery of the general foundation until it reached these lowly parts. For the breaking did not take place in the vessels immediately, for it is written that they "ruled" (Genesis 36:31ff). Rather, the light continued spreading to the end of them, and during all that time they had rule. Only when the lights reached the end did the break-up occur in the vessels, when they reached the place where this root lay, as explained in the continuation.

These are none other than the garments, which are considered as the feet of Atzilut. For we have already discussed above (Opening 31) how all of the various orders are included under the order of the Ten Sefirot. Thus even though the body itself is a complete array of Ten Sefirot, when we also consider its garments with it, the body is like nine Sefirot and the garment stands as their Malchut, the tenth Sefirah.

Accordingly, as long as the lights did not reach them, there was no breakage. It was when they reached there that it took place. They then turned around and departed from even the highest parts. For then the Mind decreed that since it was impossible for the light to be joined with the vessel because of this aspect contained in the vessel, it would be best to allow the vessel to do all in its power, and then afterwards the light would come and enter into it and be joined with it in a perfect bond.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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